Happy Poison Fish Market

Wantoot Gallery

Oct. 15, 2024 - Nov. 30, 2016

236 High Street
Mineral Point, 53565
(608) 284-5927


Rande Barke marks his return to Wisconsin from a 30 year stint in NYC with “Happy Poison Fish Market”— an exhibit of new collages.
“A palette of appropriated images from vintage periodicals and posters. I use the cut line of the X-acto blade much like a pencil or paintbrush. Choosing the collage pieces, placing them, shaping; gluing and burnishing. This process is very intuitive while simultaneously reflecting on the compositional direction allowing for changes. I paint over the cut pieces with a variety of techniques. The stipple dry brush application of paint is based on a technique I have used previously in my work to suggest the painterly approach.”
Meet Rande during the opening reception Saturday, October 15, 2016, 4:00 – 7:00PM.


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