Discover TAG Advertising that is Quick and Effective

Home Page Slide Advertisement
Home Page Art images, located at the center top of the page are seen daily by hundreds of viewers as they first enter the site. These images offer robust advertising that will create a strong internet presence to attract new viewers and direct them to your website or Art Guide Feature Listing. Each image can be labeled with artist name and will be grouped in two sections of five images for a total of ten uploads. To create this promotion we recommend a series of graphics that will visually describe your art theme and connect viewers to the event. Art Guide offers a professionally designed mobile feature that will showcase the images for all hand held devices.
Contact Art GuideGet Started
- Home page images are a robust advertising tool that meet viewers as they enter the site.
- When possible use a theme to create continuity of the image display.
- Upload each image and associated link at the entry boxes below.
- Designate below the best week or weeks that you’d like to promote the images.
- All information will be subject to review by Art Guide admin before posting.
- Every Art Guide page offers professionally designed mobile functions for all hand held devices.