Doug Brin: Journals

Hebrew Home at Riverdale

Apr. 19, 2025 - Jul. 31, 2015

5901 Palisade Ave
Bronx, New York 10471

The 17 illustrated journals in the exhibition were created between 1987 and 2013 and represent a selection from a larger body of writings that Brin began when he was 22 years old. In the journals, Brin, now 67, utilizes micrographic writing, abstracted drawing and collage elements to explore topical, historical and literary themes. Filled with personal observations plus cut and pasted excerpts from newspapers and magazines, the journals comprise a unique history of our times.

Brin’s musings reflect a broad range of past and current events from the worlds of politics, entertainment and literature. An artist, writer, journalist and teacher, Brin provides running commentary on the contested Bush-Gore national election and the aftermath of 9/11. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Tennessee Williams and Mary McCarthy populate his entries, among many other subjects. His imagery is varied and excruciatingly detailed, recording wide-ranging personal and popular interests. The journals attest to an obsessive-compulsive nature that has inspired

Brin to track and record a life that has included five careers and over 30 jobs, among them journalism, independent-school teaching and current-events seminars, such as ongoing programs at the 92nd Street Y and the RiverWalk apartments at Hebrew Home. While recovering from near-fatal brain surgery in 1997, Brin persevered in his commitment to making regular entries by dictating disjointed impressions of daily existence to his mother and ex-wife.

As a member of the American Alliance of Museums, Hebrew Home at Riverdale by RiverSpring Health is committed to publicly exhibiting its art collection throughout its 32-acre campus, including the Derfner Judaica Museum and a sculpture garden overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. The Derfner Judaica Museum + The Art Collection provide educational and cultural programming for all of its visitors, including residents of the Hebrew Home, their families and the general public who come from throughout New York City, its surrounding suburbs and elsewhere. RiverSpring Health is a nonprofit, non-sectarian geriatric organization serving more than 13,000 older adults through its resources and community service programs.

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