David Ligare Primary Structures & CA Classicist
Triton Museum of Art
Jun. 4, 2024 - Aug. 21, 2016
David Ligare, one of the most celebrated contemporary Neoclassical artists of our day. Classical structures and landscapes set the scenes for modern idealizations, figures channeling the ancient depictions of gods and goddesses, scholars and peasants, and the philosophies that ties us all together.
For the past thirty or more years, David Ligare has created works of realism and classical beauty, harking back to ancient Greece and Rome, and those later interpreters of the ancient styles and ideas: the Renaissance artists and those of the Neoclassical era. Now, drawing from another classical source, that of the ancient Roman historian Pliny who wrote of the Greek painters Apelles and Protogenes who painted fine lines onto panels, Ligare sought inspiration from what was arguably the first minimalist abstraction, “The Lines of Apeles.” The result is Primary Structures, an exhibition of abstract works, equally classical in its origins as the greater body of the artist’s works, also on view in David Ligare: California Classicist.