Call for Art–PostGlamism: Glam in the 21st Century

Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA)

Apr. 11, 2014, 12:00 am

5701 Sixth Avenue S, Suite 258

PostGlamism: Glam Art in the 21st Century is a juried group exhibition exploring the theme of Glam, a cultural phenomenon that emerged during the early 1970s in the wake of Pop art. The current revival of interest in this art form includes such references as fashion, gender, technology, spectacle, etc. (see submission site for full description). Our juror for 2014 is Mike Sweney, Manager for the Art in Public Places Program with the Washington State Arts Commission.

PostGlamism is open to all emerging and established artists, from any region or country, working in any media, particularly material that conveys the glam aesthetic of glitter, gloss, metallic sheen, chrome, etc. Two-dimensional, three dimensional and multi-media work will be considered, performance (digital or live), and installation art proposals are also encouraged.

Prizes: $500 first, $250 second prize, and honorable mentions
Entry Fee: $15 CoCA member/$20 non-member
Deadline: April 11, midnight PST

Exhibition will be held at CoCA’s Georgetown gallery at Seattle Design Center as part of ART@SDC with an Opening Reception on Thursday, May 15 (5-9pm) and runs through August 1, 2014.

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