Things That Fly
The Contemporary Dayton
Entry Deadline: Apr. 15
The Contemporary Dayton (formerly the Dayton Visual Arts Center) is seeking approximately 30 artworks to be purchased or commissioned for permanent display. Artwork can be any type of wall hung artwork, i.e. low relief wall sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking EXCEPT photography-based work. The approximate size of the final artworks will no smaller than 24 x 36 and no larger than 40 x 40 in. (framed). The theme for all artwork is Things That Fly.
All design concepts should explore the theme of Things That Fly, i.e. birds, planes, kites, dandelion seeds, flying carpets, etc. The design or designs can be reflective of a narrative representation or abstraction of the overarching theme. We are looking for whimsical, colorful, inspiring and engaging interpretations of the theme.
Submit via email with attachments, via dropbox or Google Docs link to Patrick Mauk, Gallery Manager, the Contemporary Dayton, [email protected] Indicate on email subject line: “Art Source CMC2019”
Up to 10 images of artworks, (JPEG format), each saved as artist last name and title of work.