Pandemic Postcard Project
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Entry Deadline: Aug. 29
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center invites all ages to send homemade postcards to be included in our upcoming gallery show this fall.
We suggest your postcard showcase art on one side and a written statement on the back. The goal is to collect and exhibit postcards from the community that express our feelings and share how we all coped during this social-distancing period. This is an opportunity to get crafty, get creative and let us know how you feel!
Postcards should follow these basic parameters:
• All postcards should be made on card stock, poster board, or thin compressed cardboard (like a cereal box). Thin copy paper will not work.
• All postcards should be sized to 6″ x 4”
• The front can be decorated however you choose