L.A. Photo Curator ‘The Journey’

N.Y. Photo Curator

Entry Deadline: Nov. 30

online, CA 90068


Theme: ‘The Journey’ curated by Susan Spiritus. (Owner Susan Spiritus Gallery, Southern California, 42 years; Board of Advisors for the International Photography Awards (IPA) & the Center for Fine Art Photography (C4FAP)

Spiritus says, “Life is a journey. We’re all on it. Everyone’s journey is different; complex and exciting, some more so or less than others, but nevertheless it will chart your path. I loved reading the definitions of the word journey and the myriad of synonymous meanings. Please submit your photographs that speak to your (the) journey.”

20% of artist entry fees goes to charity. (10% of artist entry fees goes to the curator’s choice of charity. Spiritus has chosen The Race To Erase MS

Another 10% will go to the first place winner’s choice of charity.)

We will waive the fee for 2 entrants per competition. Just contact us at [email protected] and make the request.

$20 for 3 images. ALL entrants work is shown on their own page with their artist statement, website info, bio and parts of their CV. Early entries are featured on N.Y. Photo Curator’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

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