It’s all about the Light!…
Art League of Long Island
Entry Deadline: May. 30
It’s all about the Light!…
July 7 – August 5, 2018
Exhibition Juror: Karen Levitov
Director and Curator, Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery
Staller Center for the Arts, Stony Brook University
Submission Deadline May 30, 2018
Artists from Suffolk, Nassau, Brooklyn, and Queens are asked to submit their works, in any medium, dealing with their interpretation of light. How do you interpret light in your work? The arrangement of darks and lights can create an atmosphere making the same scene can appear ominous or contemplative, violent or tranquil. Use of color can create radiant light or reflective light. Your work may explore the correlation of time and light: the flat light of mid-day, the long shadows of late afternoon, the soft misty morning light, or the mysterious light of evening. Explore how the sources of light affect the subject and its surroundings. Do you strive for the dramatic or theatrical chiaroscuro? Artificial light, natural light, reflective light all have their own qualities. Does your abstract work express a quality of light through your use of color, creating harmony or disharmony? Values of color create patterns of lights and darks. It’s all about the light.