Gilmer Arts 2018 Juried Art Exhibition

Gilmer Arts Link Gallery

Entry Deadline: Feb. 7

207 Dalton Street
Ellijay, GA 30540
PHONE 706-635-5605

February 24th – March 28th 2018
Opening Reception
Saturday, February 24th 2018
5:00 – 7:00pm
Gilmer Arts Link Gallery, 207 Dalton St. Ellijay, GA

Gilmer Arts announces the 2018 Annual Spring Juried Group Art Exhibition. Prizes will be awarded as follows: $500 Best of Show, $250 Second Place, and $100 Third Place. Artists age 16 and up are invited to submit 2 and 3 dimensional works which must be original and must have been produced within the last 3 years. Works previously exhibited at Gilmer Arts may not be resubmitted.

Visit for detail prospectus
Call 706.635.5605 for additional information.

Gilmer Arts

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