Festival Park Tree Stump Carving

Castle Rock Downtown Alliance

Entry Deadline: Aug. 2

18 S. Wilcox Street Suite 202
Castle Rock, CO 80104
PHONE 303.688.7488


Festival Park Tree Stump Carving – July 15, 2019

The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance seeks to commission a carving for the tree stump in Festival Park in Downtown Castle Rock, Colorado. The Downtown Alliance, in partnership with the Town of Castle Rock Parks and Recreation Dept., has up to $1,000 for the carving.

The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance is a partnership between two organizations that are served by one set of staff. These two organization are Downtown Merchants Association (DMA) and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) and collectively have a mission to create an active and vibrant Downtown Castle Rock!

The Downtown Alliance is accomplishing this mission in a variety of ways:
• The DMA produces high quality events that activate Downtown.
• The DMA and its membership of 120+ Downtown Businesses act as the voice of Downtown to encourage ideas that strengthen the Downtown economy.
• The DDA follows a Plan of Development that encourages public and private investment in Downtown. This includes:
o support of development projects that bring a daytime, evening and weekend population to Downtown; AND
o support of investment in public spaces, like the investment in Festival Park, Lights Over Wilcox Street, or investment in ART.

In thriving downtown communities all over the world, art and culture is typically found. Studies have shown that people enjoy being in places that are interesting and engaging, and art brings that to a place. With the recent creation of the Castle Rock Art Cooperative, there is a growing excitement from the Castle Rock art community, and the downtown businesses, art community, and residents would like to add some additional places of interest to Downtown Castle Rock.

The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance has secured permission to carve the tree stump that is located on the North side of the pedestrian bridge between Town Hall and Festival Park. A photo of the stump is available at www.downtowncastlerock.com/programs-projects, see Tree Stump Carving in Festival Park link.

The Downtown Alliance has up to $1,000 for this artwork.

Submittals will be accepted until August 2, 2019.

The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance will be accepting applications until August 2, 2019.
Applications should be submitted via email following the instructions below in How To Submit. The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance has asked the Castle Rock Artist Cooperative for assistance in reviewing applications. The Castle Rock Artist Cooperative will review applications and make a recommendation for both the artist, and the location to the Castle Rock Downtown Alliance at its monthly board meeting. The Castle Rock Downtown Alliance will make the final decision, and then Kristen Bowling will notify applicants of the selection.

Please submit the following items via email to [email protected]:
– Statement of Interest (250 words or less)
– Resume (outline your accomplishments as an artist)
– Budget (include labor and materials)
– Detailed Sketch of Proposed Artwork
Hard copy submittals will not be accepted. Each artwork must be submitted as its own application.

Email or call Kristen Bowling at [email protected] / 303-688-7488.

Downtown Merchants Association

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