Call for proposals || Other Horizons

L'Œil de Poisson

Entry Deadline: Jan. 12

580 Côte d'Abraham, Ville de Québec, QC
Québec, CND G1K 3P9
PHONE 418.648.2975

L’Œil de Poisson is launching a call for proposals for its 2020-2021 program on the theme of “Other Horizons”. Artists are the reflection of our current society undergoing major transformations, as they apprehend the challenges of our contemporary world from a critical standpoint. Essential in conveying new ways of thinking, acts of artistic creation have the power to feed the imaginary and to inspire new feasible and sustainable worlds. L’Œil de Poisson is inviting all artistic entities from near and far (artists, collectives, curators, speakers, critics, etc.) to submit bold and daring proposals taking on the social, political and ecological contexts of our current societies, fostering unsuspected ideals.

Open to all venturesome, innovative and experimental practices, the call targets projects intended for off-site contexts. The goal of this program is to inspire artists to think beyond the traditional framework of the white cube exhibition space and to imagine new forms and paradigms (events, collaborations, conferences, performances, concerts, workshops, exhibitions and other forms unknown to date). These initiatives will build deeper relationships between artists and their community, inspire creative processes in unexpected places (outside or inside, excluding l’Œil de Poisson galleries), and generate chance encounters with contemporary art.

L’Œil de Poisson intends to become a living laboratory and an active platform for alternative practices. Our aim is to stimulate the circulation and confrontation of ideas, and to invent new modes of creation in the face of the changes and challenges of our time.

Convinced by the need to diversify points of view in order to enrich and stimulate reflections and exchanges, l’Œil de Poisson encourages artistic entities belonging to minority groups to submit their application.

PROPOSAL CONTENTS (ZIP file, 10 mo max):
– Resume
– Contact Information
– Project Description (1000 words max)
– Project Timetable
– Documentation (10-15 images, videos or other)
– Provisional Budget

– Quality of the proposition
– Project feasibility
– Coherence with the theme
– Please note that paper submissions will not be accepted
– Deadline : January 12 2020

Send your proposal to this address : [email protected] (object: other horizons)

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