Artconnect Open Call | Correspondence


Entry Deadline: Jun. 25

Harzer Straße 39
Berlin, GRM 12059

Free to apply: Winners will receive 250 EUR, an original, in-depth interview in ARTCONNECT Magazine and be featured on ARTCONNECT’s homepage, with over 200,000 views a month, as well as our social media channels — giving your artwork the attention it deserves from our audience of artists, curators, collectors, and cultural influencers.

With this open call ‘Correspondence’ we want to showcase the power of cooperation and collaboration. By celebrating works that involve two or more artists working together, we bring to the forefront the idea that we are better together and unexpected and exciting things happen when we connect with each other.

ARTCONNECT is proud to partner with Brunno Silva, an experienced curator, art consultant and writer based in Berlin and Southern Italy who’s actively curating exhibitions across Europe.

Brunno Silva developed the concept for the open call and has this to share:

“The term correspondence can mean “close similarity” and “communication by exchanging letters”, if we try to combine both meanings, the distance between the correspondents is recognised physically, whilst in immaterial ways, such as ideas, ways of thinking and interests there is an undividable proximity. The mind denies the physical distance and finds a way to remain in conversation.

Artists can interpret the word “correspondence” freely. I believe that collaborating and influencing each other is always part of artistic production. Even today, no one is living in full isolation. This could be the perfect opportunity to create conditions that artists need to work together and discover how that process of influences and interference can be the space for creating a truly unique and unexpected body of works. I find it fascinating the idea of artists in conversations and that this exchange takes the form of an artwork, as a third entity to this relationship.”


2 Projects will be selected to win. They will each receive:

1 x 250 euro cash prizes (to be shared as a group)
1 x Feature in ARTCONNECT Magazine
1 x Virtual studio visit with curator Brunno Silva

In addition, Brunno Silva will select
3 x Honorable Mentions, to be published in ARTCONNECT Magazine and shared on our social media channels.


Project created by two or more artists
Created in the last two years (since 2019)
Or newly created for this open call
An up-to-date ARTCONNECT artist profile for each of the artists involved
Publish the work as a Project on ARTCONNECT with max. 3 images or audiovisual samples
Describe how the theme ‘Correspondence’ relates to your work in the project description


It’s free, no participation fee.


1) Sign in to your ARTCONNECT Account. (If you don’t have an account already you can create one, just click ‘log in’ and choose how you want to sign up.)

2) Once you are logged in, click ‘Publish’ in the right corner of the navigation bar, then choose Project.

3) Upload your submission. Remember to tag your project with #Correspondence so everyone can find it.

4) Include links to the ARTCONNECT profiles of each of your collaborators.

5) Then, simply fill out this very short form on our website to apply right away:

DEADLINE: June 25, 2020 — 23:59 CEST

That’s it, you’ve officially entered ARTCONNECT’s Open Call ‘Correspondence’. And now your published project will already be reaching a whole new audience of artists and art lovers on ARTCONNECT.


Remember, to be eligible for this open call, the project you submit should involve collaboration between two or more artists. If you haven’t worked together with other artists before, that’s no problem. You can search for artists and projects you like on ARTCONNECT.

If you want to get in touch you can message each other right here on ARTCONNECT. Any time you get a message, you will see a small pink circle appear beside your profile when you login. You can check your inbox for new messages and reply to start a conversation.

Because that’s what ARTCONNECT is all about, making it possible for artists to connect and create together online.


Curator and art consultant Brunno Silva will review all the submissions and the winner will be announced on ARTCONNECT’s Magazine and social media on July 1, 2020

Read more about Brunno Silva:

Or visit his website at

Artwork in promo picture by Wenhui Zheng
Graphic Designer, Paper Artist, and Set Designer.
See more of her work here:

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