Annual Awards for Art About Big Global Concerns

Red Line Art Works

Entry Deadline: Dec. 31

18 Henrietta St
Bath, ENG BA2 6LW

We are a global arts project with a global audience. These Awards are open FREE to all artists in all art forms, worldwide. We want art works (in any art form or creative media) that reflect the big global issues which threaten humanity and the planet. These big concerns are being recognised by artists everywhere – our website shows art works from over 40 countries.

These big global concerns include : Climate & Ecological Emergencies, Bad Leaders or Governance, Patriarchy, Xenophobia & Racism, War & Conflict, Inequality, Poverty, Refugees & Migration, etc (see: for more about these).

We make one Award for a Series of art works (a bronze trophy and £200) and one for a single art work (a bronze trophy and £100). See : for full details of how to enter your work. There are no forms to fill in and its as easy as we can make it.

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