George Washington’s Birthday Marks the Federal Holiday of Presidents’ Day in the United States.
Did You Know?
George Washington (1732-1799), first US president, was only educated until the 11th grade, but led the Continental Army to victory in the American Revolution.
After George’s father passed away, he did not have the means to study abroad in England, as was planned.
George Washington was fond of fox hunting, dancing, playing billiards, and watching theatrical performances. He even had his own racehorses.
In 1751, George Washington accompanied his brother Lawrence to the island of Barbados where he contracted smallpox and recovered.
George Washington’s teeth were not made of wood, as popularly believed. He ruined his teeth from cracking walnut shells, so he had to wear false teeth made of ivory.
At the Battle of Monongahela in 1755, George Washington’s coat was pierced by four musket balls.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Jefferson was a was a diplomat who negotiated treaties with Prussia and France.
Abraham Lincoln was the tallest US president at 6’4″, by comparison, President Trump is 6′ 3″.
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), was self-educated and became a lawyer.
Abraham Lincoln was a gifted storyteller and liked to tell jokes.