Yosuke Ito

Yosuke Ito

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Yosuke Ito is a Tokyo-based artist and international exhibitor working in the intermedia field, coupling low technology, and high ideas. He was an artistic director of the international exchange project, Puddles, an artist-run platform including more than 15 organizations between Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, the USA, and Japan. From 2009 at M55 Art, Ito has developed his ideas into a visual narrative, using toys for kids or renewable materials powered by light, driven by solar cells. That idea has carried over into the Toy-Twilight series from 2016 that dwells in that ethereal space between nature and the artificial. As a projection, it blurs the borders between illusion and reality, image and object; games and real-life, seducing us away from the mundane world through its nuanced, transitory presence. Before the Coronavirus goes around, he also takes photography based on the continuous idea.  yosukeito.com

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