Nathan Sawaya
Presented by AVANT GALLERY
Nathan Sawaya delights adults and children alike with his bright, blocky sculptures made entirely out of LEGO bricks. He rediscovered this quintessential childhood toy after experimenting with a range of mediums, and has been working with it exclusively since the early 2000s. His painstakingly constructed forms encompass such everyday objects as umbrellas and pencils; animals, insects, and natural phenomena; portraits of celebrities; and human figures that serve as ciphers for his emotions. Among the largest of his works is a 20-foot-long Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton, included in “The Art of the Brick,” a traveling exhibition of his work. Sawaya’s approach is uniquely democratic, as he explains: “I use the same LEGO bricks that you can buy in toy stores. […] If you get inspired to make your own creation, you too can go use the exact same bricks that I use.” View Art By Nathan Sawaya Online at or at the gallery's NYC & Miami locations.
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