Linda Sershen - Potter

Linda Sershen - Potter

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My constant source of inspiration is the magic (but not the science) of how glazes interact with one another. Glazes melting together and almost out of control can be a beautiful thing. This means a lot of failure but even on failed pieces, I look for some small spot where everything comes together just right. Most of my work is thrown stoneware, including bowls, tea bowls and small planters. My hand built pieces are usually large platters or birdbaths and I think of all of my work as canvases waiting for glaze. It’s important for all artists to challenge themselves, even if they come back to their comfort zones. My recent work has been a venture into assemblage art, in which clay “cakes” are embellished with found objects to tell a story or represent an emotion. I’ve worked in clay for 30 years, most of them at Wesleyan Potters, where I’ve been a member since 1988. My educational background includes a BAFA from the University of Bridgeport, numerous workshops and graduate level art courses.

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