Kay Griffith

Presented by C. Parker Gallery
Abstract artist K. Griffith is from the U.S.A. She was born and raised in Texas. Her abstract work engenders visceral responses in viewers, unexplained by words. Griffith took a course in color and design. Janie Beitler, the textbook author, was her instructor. She studied beginning oil painting with Larry Prellop, a Texas artist. Dalhart Windberg taught her "technical control of oil paint." None of this explains her abstract paintings. She paints them naturally, exuding passion and energy for every painting. The impasto and colors integrated into one thing, sometimes simply, other times in complex sophistication; but always making way for interpretation and contemplation by viewers. Griffith has been a professional artist for 18+ years. In 2012 Griffith made the decision to pursue a path that has lead to ever expanding and ever more spotlighted career.
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