Jennifer Davies

Jennifer Davies

Presented by City Gallery

Jennifer Davies graduated from RI School of Design and the Rome Honors Program. She has studied and taught papermaking at Women's Studio Workshop and Creative Arts Workshop. Solo shows include Robert C. Williams Museum of Papermaking, JCC of New Haven and Travelers Insurance in Hartford. She has participated in "The Paper Runway" and Fiberarts International 2010, both traveling exhibits. Paper is central to Davies' art. Some papers she makes herself, using fibers such as flax, banana leaf and hemp. Japanese fiber she cooks and beats to make long translucent hangings and webs. Paper's flexibility allows for creasing, ripping and color absorption, encouraging experimentation and taking advantage of unexpected results. When using collage, she gravitates toward imagery, which she describes as abstraction of the natural world. She suggests surfaces, weatherbeaten, overlaid and transformed by the process of time.

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