Dave Channon
Presented by Shandaken Art Studio Tour
"The Bugs & the Birds" solo show of oil painting and steel sculpture by Dave Channon at the Limner Gallery, 123 Warren Street in Hudson NY. Show runs through Dec 29. Gallery hours: Thurs - Sat 12-5 Sunday 12-4. Many of the paintings in this show are part of a series called “Intersections”. Some of the creatures represented are dangerous invasive species, like the Emerald Ash Borer and the Gypsy Moth Caterpillar. Some are not dangerous, but endangered, like the Costa Rican frogs. They are superimposed over a landscape of highway cloverleafs or fracking pads. We are invited to view this built environment as a threat to life on Earth, to contemplate human beings as the most invasive and dangerous species of all. His steel sculptures are a departure from deep ecological concern, a whimsical relief to counteract the more frightening aspects of the paintings. They are made from recycled scrap metal, antique tools and farm implements. In addition to the birds, the female statue “Atargatis” is a mermaid that rises from the sea, a fertility nature goddess, derived from a Phonecian legend. Delivery and installation of the larger sculptures is included in the purchase price. More info: www.slowart.com
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