Ann Kraus
Ann Kraus Biography Ann Kraus is an abstract landscape artist whose acrylic paintings depict her interpretation of natural settings and the eternally changing environment. Her work explores light and color as a vehicle for the exploration and celebration of the natural world. The subject matter of skyscapes represents a perfect metaphor for the evolving and changing environment while evoking a sense of peace and calm in the world. Her work explores the complexities of memory and interpretation of time and place through vibrant color and texture. Ms. Kraus grew up in Newton, Mass. and has created art from a very early age. She was encouraged in her craft by her Mother, who was also a painter with deep roots in the Philadelphia art world of the 1920’s. She has lived in Montclair, New Jersey for many years, a town known as an artistic community since the mid-1800’s. The area is also in close proximity to the vibrant world of New York City. She has also spent time at her second home in western Connecticut where she has been inspired by the peace and tranquility of the Litchfield Hills. David Gibson, a NYC art critic, recently featured Ann ‘s work in his online posting “Illustrating Infinity” in which he analyzed her cloud paintings as “topically complex as she tends to choose subjects for interpretation that portray a greater degree of expressiveness” and infused with “emotional energy”. He suggests that her works are “transported to a moment of heightened sensory immersion, yet we can also appreciate the technical mastery that transforms a real scene into an object of aesthetic complexity”. The full essay can be found on website. Her work can be found at the Pleiades Gallery in New York City. She is a member of The Art Students League of New York where she has worked with Ronnie Landfield a world-renowned abstract impressionist. She has earned special recognition in the League’s annual group shows. As a member of Studio Montclair, she continues to exhibit paintings throughout the town. Her work can be found in private collections both domestically and internationally. Further examples of her work can be found at her website: or Instagram annkraus2567
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