Gallery 221

Jun. 4, 2025 - Jul. 4, 2015

221 West 2nd Street
Little Rock, Arkansas 72201


ZEITGEIST: Looks at subtleties of our time that inform who we are through art, June 4 – July 4, 2015. Artists are sometimes considered the canaries of a culture. Reflecting aspects of society through both ideas and explorations in turn allow a society to begin to see parts of its self.

Each period in history has its own “spirit of the time” that allows us to understand how social beliefs, political views, cultural/ intellectual richness or droughts, can shape the way we are or what we might be. Whether looking at nature, fashion, spirituality, architecture, technology, literature, needs found on television/ the big screen or addressing values, this exhibit welcomes the complexities and nuances that artists have to offer.

Thinking about the “spirit of the time” one is actually living in is often like trying to pull shapes out of the fog, but somewhere within the struggle small moments of understanding and self-reflection can surface that ultimately allows us to find perspective and reflect on our lives here now in the south.

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