Winter & Aloft
Boston Sculptors Gallery
Apr. 4, 2025 - May. 6, 2018
Boston Sculptors Gallery is pleased to present two concurrent solo shows, “Aloft” by Margaret Swan & “Winter” by Chris Frost
Aloft, Margaret Swan’s solo exhibition of painted aluminum sculpture, explores the affinity of structures in nature to those found in architecture and the built world around us. Inspired by skeletal and skin-like forms that evoke the structure of sailboat rigging, Swan’s sculptures emphasize the tension between lines and planes in space with economy and grace.
Chris Frost’s new body of sculptural works, Winter, consists of artworks observing perceptions of our natural environment. The artist is interested in exploring a discrepancy between the groomed environment we encounter through media and commerce contrasted to the reality of our delicate and easily fractured physical spaces. These large floor and wall sculptures incorporate a variety of materials; painted fabric, resin, foam, wood and steel. Each of the artworks is anchored by natural forms (tree, boulder, stump) and is fabricated from white glazed ceramic.The white ceramic appears as a ghostly and fragile construct: an authentic environment. Winter reflects a passage of time, hibernation and dormancy, and even peril.
Margaret Swan: Aloft & Chris Frost: Winter April 4 – May 6
Opening Reception: April 6, 5 – 8 PM
Second Sunday Concert Series: April 8, 4 – 6 PM
SoWA First Friday Reception: May 4, 5 – 8 PM