
The Cooley Gallery

Apr. 2, 2025 - May. 2, 2015

25 Lyme Street
Old Lyme, Connecticut 6371


Waves! is an exhibition and sale of new paintings by Chandler Davis. In this show the artist goes back to the source, the ocean. Eight large wave paintings of luminous waves in a variety of weather and light conditions depict some of the many moods of the ocean. In addition to Chandler’s paintings the gallery will exhibit other marine and ocean art. Opening reception on Thursday, April 2nd from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. On view from April 2 – May 2. Admission is free. Visitors are welcome and encouraged Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or online anytime at www.cooleygallery.com.

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