Disclaimer Gallery
Mar. 18, 2025 - Apr. 8, 2017
“w4w” Work by Annie Rose
Opening Reception March 18th 2017 6-10pm
Show on display from March 12th – April 8th
The installation “w4w” explores themes of isolation, alienation, and marginalization using the aesthetics Craigslist.com. By using handwritten renderings of the w4w “Missed Connections” section of the website, the project investigates these ads as object oriented ontology, through the lens of queer women’s relationships and desires. A woman-centric queer existence is by nature an isolating and dissociative experience. Queer women live on the intersection of misogyny and homophobia, which creates an existence that is both invisible and hyper visible; one feels both completely erased as well as constantly watched. The w4w “Missed Connections” demonstrates the isolation and alienation that many queer women feel.