Transitory: A Study of Human Anatomy & Our Own Impermanence

Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center

Apr. 10, 2025 - May. 1, 2024

300 S. Washington Sq. Ste 100
Lansing, 48933
PHONE (517) 574-4521

Join us for the opening reception for ‘Transitory: A Study of Human Anatomy & Our Own Impermanence’, a solo exhibition by Thiago Porraz on Thursday, April 18th from 5 – 7pm. This exhibition is located in our Mezzanine Gallery. We will host an artist talk with Thiago starting at 6pm, where we will hear more about his work.
This event is free and open to the public and light refreshments will be served. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet the artist while enjoying the work with fellow art lovers and community members!
Speaking of his work, Thiago states: ‘“This is temporary,” are three words I have often uttered to soothe my own anxiety. It’s a reminder that’s been like balm on a wound in times of trauma, transition, heartbreak, and uncertainty. Repeated to condition my brain into remembering: that no matter the situation I am in, someday it will end. With this realization comes comfort; knowing anything that brings me pain is only temporary. But with that comfort comes the reminder that just like the pain, I am also temporary.’
Thiago Porraz is a Grand Rapids-based artist whose work explores themes of death, decay, and surrealism. The temporariness of human life is what Thiago draws inspiration from in this exhibition.
This exhibition will be on view in the Mezzanine Gallery from April 10th through June 1st of 2024.

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