Teton Plein Air Painters: Seasons of Jackson Hole

Art Association of Jackson Hole

Jul. 20, 2024 - Aug. 17, 2023

240 S Glenwood St
Jackson, 83001
PHONE (307) 733-6379


This year’s exhibition celebrates all the seasons of the Jackson Hole area as seen through the eyes of these artists. The show will be on display beginning July 17 with an opening reception during the Jackson Hole Gallery Association Art Walk on July 20. The show will remain on display through August 18 in the Art Association main gallery.

Plein Air artists take their inspiration directly from nature – collecting information about a landscape on site. Artists like Claude Monet, John Singer Sargent, and Thomas Moran all took painting outdoors on location very seriously and inspired generations of artists to leave their studios and get outside to study light, form, and weather effects. Most plein air painters paint year round, even in the snow, preferring the truth of direct experience to the interpretation of a camera. Some artists use these on-site paintings as sketches for larger paintings they create in their studios. Others are plein air purists and only show works they created outdoors.

The Teton Plein Air Painters are a group of artists who are Art Association members and outdoor painting enthusiasts. They meet weekly May through October at various sites around the valley and even outside Teton County at times. They join in the camaraderie of a shared passion, rain or shine, encouraging one another, sharing tips and critiques, and recording the varied moods of our wild landscape.

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