Still together by Rachel Collier
Saint Kate - The Arts Hotel
Sep. 2, 2025 - Dec. 12, 2022
Rachel Collier is an interdisciplinary artist whose recent studio practice focuses on releasing internal visual language held in the emotional body and expressing this as utopic imaginary landscapes.
Featuring a new site-specific fiber and painting installation inspired by the architecture of The Space, her solo exhibition at Saint Kate blooms with electric colors and offers audiences an opportunity to feel a collectively familiar sense of heightened mood.
She notes, “my paintings and textile works are ecstatic visual analogues of spaces that I believe populate our shared consciousness. The forms I repeat are familiar in a way that anchors my psyche to a sense of place. In creating space via non-representation, I hint at worlds that are unknowable and indefinite. In creating models of these worlds, I turn to the visual language of maps, topography, insets, picture-in-picture, scale and materiality, and radiant color to stir the spirit in preparation for advancement or departure.”– Rachel Collier