Triumph Brewery
Oct. 31, 2024 - Jan. 31, 2018
In her first solo exhibition, Maja (pronounced “Maya”) offers a cosmic array of spacescapes, including galaxies, planets, moons, nebulae, and star clusters inspired by the photography of the Hubble and other telescopes. Works are oil on canvas and watercolors.
“Spacescapes”, as the exhibition is titled, is a celebration of the wonders of our universe, encapsulated in everything from pop culture to sci-fi; from astronomy to astrophysics.
Maja received formal training in art restoration from the Art and Restoration Academy in Belgrade, Serbia. Since moving to the United States in 2012, her work has been exhibited at the VAM Gallery in Metuchen, NJ, and at a juried show at Gold Light Gallery in New Hope. Her works have been shared by Hubble Space Telescope via social media through their Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Opening exhibition is on October 31, 2017 at Triumph Brewing Company in Princeton, NJ. A perfect evening of art, science, drinks, and Halloween!