Collection Overview

Bowdoin College Museum of Art

Jan. 7, 2025 - Dec. 31, 2027

9400 College Station
Brunswick, Maine 4011
Phone 207-725-3275

The Bowdoin College Museum of Art collection range from the ancient Mediterranean world to artwork that is modern and current. A presentation of the objects in the collection is featured on the museum website.

The Bowdoin collections include Decorative Arts, Paintings, Sculpture, and Works on Paper are among the most comprehensive of college museums.

...following quote taken from the Bowdoin College Museum of Art website.  “The Museum’s entire permanent collection (over 20,000 objects) is searchable online and over half of entries are accompanied by images in the online database. The listings below are a collection of curated portfolios that highlight some of the objects in our collection. These porfolios are not complete inventories for the areas highlighted. Please go to our Search interface for more complete queries.”

Fpr more information visit the Bowdoin College Museum of Art website link above.

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