Permanent Quilt Collection and Exhibitions
International Quilt Study Center and Museum
Jan. 2, 2025 - Dec. 28, 2027
The International Quilt Study Center & Museum houses stores over 3,500 textile and quilt items, some dating back three hundred years. IQSC offers the largest quilt collection in the world. Over twenty-five countries are available in the museum collection and archives, one of the originators goals, to collect and share quilts from different cultures, locations and eras.
The International Quilt Study Center was established in June 1997 when native Nebraskans Ardis and Robert James donated nearly 1,000 quilts and an endowment to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
…following quote taken from the The International Quilt Study Center & Museum website. “During the center’s early years, the Ardis and Robert James Collection of Antique and Contemporary Quilts was stored in a renovated climate-controlled space in the Home Economics Building on UNL’s East Campus. The IQSC used these quilts—along with other additions to the collection—to create exhibitions displayed in galleries on campus and around the world.”
For more information on The International Quilt Study Center & Museum visit the mueum website.