Out of Place

Fountain Street Gallery

Jan. 2, 2024 - Feb. 2, 2020

460C Harrison Ave, Ste 2
Boston, 02118
PHONE 617-292-4900


“Out of Place” reveals and repositions what it means to belong. Twenty-nine artists offer an expansive interpretation of the theme—spanning several mediums, scales, and forms, the work featured in “Out of Place”could easily be construed as disparate or fragmented. Yet, presented together, these artists contend with structure, familiarity, and acceptance while pushing the boundaries of what it means to belong.

What does it mean to be out of place? To answer such a question, one must first define what “place” refers to. Place presents itself in the minutiae of daily happenings—a place at the dining table or the placement of a book upon a shelf. More broadly, it is a factor that shapes our identity as we orient ourselves within social, political, familial, or cultural constructs. Indeed, the impact of “place” varies depending on the context.

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