Tivoli Artists Gallery

Sep. 25, 2025 - Oct. 18, 2015

60 Broadway
Tivoli, 12583

You are invited to a group show honoring the tradition of Hudson Valley landscape painting and beauty of New York State. Opening reception: Sat, Sept. 26, 6-8 pm–join the artists to toast New York landscapes! Gallery hours: Fri. 5-9 pm, Sat. 1-9 pm, and Sun 1-5 pm, with earlier summer hours most days. Call for specifics. Paintings, photographs, mixed media, and ceramic works reflecting images of Central Park, the Hudson Valley, the Adirondacks and beyond will be exhibited. Julia Aneshansley’s lyrical paintings record dramatic changes across the seasons from her studio in the Hudson Valley, while Marsha Lia Walton’s oil landscapes celebrate the Adirondacks. Cecelia Sinclair’s oils and Maria Kolodziej- Zincio’s encaustic beeswax paintings, both depict Columbia County scenes and evoke pure tranquility. Karl Volk brings a local point of view with his oil painting of the Poughkeepsie Bridge and Greg Martin, Georgia Landman, and Leslie Hill’s photographs also reflect majestic Hudson River views. Other participating artists include: Bill Bogle, Jr., Marie Cole, Dot Chast, Denise Chandler, Peggy Farrington, Jay Friedenberg, Susan Fowler-Gallagher, Tarryl Gabel, Dan Goldman, Anita Kiewra, Dana Matthews, Kevin Palfreyman, Susan Picard, Fumiko Sugaya, Silvana Tagliaferri, and Mary Untalan. Anita Kiewra and Marsha Lia Walton are the show curators.Aug17 004

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