Me and Mom

Link & Pin Gallery

May. 5, 2024 - Jun. 4, 2022

2235 E. Sixth St., Suite 102
Austin, 78702
PHONE 512 900-8952

“Me & Mom” opens Thursday, May 5, 2022

May 5 – June 4, 2022,
Weekly Thu-Fri-Sat 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

The reception for the artist will be on Sunday, May 22, 2022, from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Austin Vibe will play for the celebration of this exhibit – Two guitars, Jack Geisner and David Weeks, harmonica, Riley Hickerson and vocalist, Janet Thiermann.

Never exhibited drawings and watercolors from this series by Melanie Hickerson will be included in this show. Some of Geraldine Clark Hickerson’s (mom) artwork will also be on display.

Statement Melanie Hickerson
I was Mom’s primary care giver from 1999 – 2014. These artworks are not reality but metaphors for my experience with my family’s changes; with aging and increasing fragility, hers, and mine. My experience in caring for my mother is not unique. I am using this experience as a door to the experience of caring for someone, a mother, father, husband, wife, child, or stranger.

When I heard Governor Ann Richards’ remark about Ginger Rogers (“Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did but backwards and in high heels…”) it reminded me of the enormous struggle my mother had in her life, raising eight children among other adventures. She taught us all to tap dance and much more. So, I painted Mom with a bow to other realities, to other dimensions implied in physics and contemplated in meditation. Or they are past lives or internal realities?

The world puts on an endless, vivid show. I want to express something about being human in the world.

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