McCrow: One Less Gun

HG Contemporary

Jun. 29, 2025 - Jul. 25, 2018

527 W 23rd Street
New York, 10011
PHONE 212 366 4490

HG Contemporary presents the gallery’s second exhibition for artist Carl McCrow, entitled “One Less Gun”. The exhibition will be on view from June 28th through July 25th, 2018 at HG Contemporary located at 527 West 23rd Street, with a private opening held on Thursday, June 28th.

The exhibition brings together most recent works by McCrow dedicated to reducing the number of small arms by funding weapons and munitions destruction projects in areas suffering from the effects of war and gun violence.

One less Gun offers everybody the opportunity to contribute to the solution of this largely ignored problem. Our target is to destroy 1 million weapons. This will save lives, stabilize communities and make a safer world. McCrow’s art is controversial, thought provoking and embraces the contradictory views that come with guns and refocuses them with a fresh perspective and a heartfelt purpose.
The stories McCrow uncovers, tell of the continuous struggle people face from small arms and light weapons. By taking these weapons out of action, a region’s dark past can begin to turn into a brighter future for those who continue to live and work there. As well as making a small but important difference to arms reduction, McCrow is producing a body of work that is proving to be extraordinarily provocative and totally captivating. McCrow’s charity, One Less Gun, has been set up to change the way the world deals with surplus and illicit weapons.

To help us achieve our target of destroying 1,000,000 gun, we would like to introduce you to Gun Neutral: a new type of donation, where film and game makers make a financial pledge to the charity for every weapon on appearing on screen.

Gun Neutral is an ethical not a moral proposition. It is an opportunity for the industry to use their fictional weapons as a means to destroy small arms that could otherwise fall into the wrong hands. Such a commitment is a very public expression of consciousness and a tangible way for the industry to play a huge role in helping eradicate a major source of suffering.

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