Living Oceans

Falkirk Cultural Center

Mar. 17, 2025 - Apr. 29, 2017

1408 Mission Avenue at "E" Street
San Rafael, 94901
Phone (415) 485-3328

Living Oceans by the Cultural Affairs Services League at Falkirk Cultural Center

Opening Reception:
March 17, 2017 beginning at 6:00 pm

Exhibition dates:
March 17, 2017 through April 29, 2017

Presentations Dates:
March 21, 2017 through April 22, 2017
Ticket information: or (800) 838- 3006.

The Show: An artist perspective of our oceans, and their inhabitants, from charismatic mega fauna to plankton, and the impact we as humans have on our coastal waters- The galleries of Falkirk are filled with the sights and sounds, of the marine environment feature differing artistic mediums depicting our oceans, their inhabitants and our coastal waters.

Contributing Artists Include: Tanja Geis, Tess Felix Greene, Lauren Hartman, Richard Lang, Judith Selby Lang, Birgit O’Connor, Camille Seaman, George Sumner, Mary Wagstaff, Peter Winch, the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary and Ocean Conservation Research.

The Presentations:

Friday Evenings at 6 pm (Including refreshments)
3/21/2017 “An Ocean Garden: The Secret Life of Seaweed” Featuring Josie Islen, Artist & Author

4/7/2017 “Citizen Science and the California Coastal BioBlitz” Featuring Rebecca F. Johnson PhD and
Alison Young, California Academy of Sciences

4/21/2017 “Exploring National Marine Sanctuaries on the Marin Coast” Featuring Jennifer Stock,
NOAA/Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary A

Ticket information: or (800) 838- 3006.
All lectures will be held at the Falkirk Cultural Center with a reception and access to the galleries. Seating is limited so reserve your space at

April 22, 2107
The ocean comes to the lawn of Falkirk. Join us for a hands on marine science adventure with local environmental education groups, artists and ocean advocates. Learn more about plastics in our oceans, whales, sharks and all things marine.
Exhibit underwritten by Wells Fargo Advisors and the Cultural Affairs Service League, Inc.

Falkirk Cultural Center

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