In the Round: Vessels and Sculpture from RAM’s Collection

Racine Art Museum

Jan. 26, 2025 - Jul. 30, 2022

441 Main Street
Racine, 53403
PHONE 262 638-8300

By its very definition, sculpture is multi-sided and intended to be seen from various angles. Even when not placed so that it can be viewed from all sides, sculpture is still the articulation of an idea on multiple planes, not a flat representation. In the Round plays with this idea by showcasing artwork that is best understood when contemplated from more than one perspective—pieces whose stories and designs unfold as a viewer actively engages in exploring the whole thing.

Drawn from RAM’s collection and made primarily of ceramic and glass, these pieces provide compelling, layered narratives, and engaging design. Several works, such as the vessels by Kevin Snipes and the potters of the Mexican town of Mata Ortiz, are new to RAM’s collection and making their debut in this exhibition.

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