Forever Young
The White Room Gallery
Jun. 8, 2025 - Jun. 26, 2022
Featuring Artist RUSSELL YOUNG
This is a cast of the characters that embodies both my glamorized and souring vision of the American Dream. Russell Young
“Forever Young – a philosophy, a promise, a hope? Icons captured in their youth are by definition forever young. There is beauty and sorrow in that capture. The American Dream – what is it? Fame. Greed. More Sex. Better drugs. Better Sex. More Drugs. And once achieved what does the dream become? Most of the icons in this exhibit died young after achieving the American Dream. Looking at these works with Russell’s signature diamond dust adorning many of them one could see beauty or one could see the price of a dream achieved. Mug shot. Glam shot. It is Forever Young. But at what cost.” Andrea McCafferty & Kat O’Neill