Explore Printmaking Techniques Through Polish Prints 1960-1990

The William Benton Museum of Art, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT

Apr. 18, 2025 - May. 25, 2018

UConn 245 Glenbrook Road
Storrs, 06269
PHONE 860.486.4520


Opening Reception: Wednesday April 18, 5-7:30pm.
Free and open to the public.

This exhibition is geared towards teaching the viewer how to distinguish between the various printmaking techniques—from mezzotint to woodcut, silkscreen, linocut, etching, aquatint and engraving—using a collection of Polish prints dating from 1960-1990. Clear explanations of the printmaking process accompany each print. Also on display are the tools used to create the works on view.

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