SECCA Exhibition and Collections

Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art

Jan. 3, 2025 - Dec. 28, 2027

750 Marguerite Drive
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27106
Phone 336 725-1904

…quote taken from the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art website.  “SECCA opened in 1956 as a non-profit visual arts organization in Winston-Salem, North Carolina in response to a community and regional need for exhibition space devoted to work by area artists. By 1972, when industrialist James G. Hanes willed his 32-acre estate to the gallery, its scope included all 11 southeastern states. Renovation of Hanes’ English Hunt-Style mansion, as well as the construction of an 8,896 square foot gallery addition and receiving area, was completed in 1976.”

For more information please visit the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art web site.

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