Elegy to America in Black & White II: Madai Taylor
William H. Kennedy Jr. Gallery
Oct. 28, 2025 - Feb. 24, 2023
“An Elegy to America in Black & White II: Artworks by Madai Taylor” is a poignant and provocative exhibition of non-subjective works of art with accompanying poetic writings. The exhibition features 18 pieces, which build upon Taylor’s 2018 body of work.
Taylor’s artwork in conjunction with his poetry details the reason for the pain and suffering of Black folk brought by ship and sold into bondage, as it relates to Biblical prophecy, against the backdrop of American history, as exacted by the American spirit.
Taylor’s use of Iowa earth as his main medium is a unique and integral part of this exhibition.
The exhibition and scholarly research are supported in part by a grant from the Arkansas Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities.