Edgar Diehl | Palindrome
Pentimenti Gallery
Mar. 14, 2025 - Apr. 25, 2020
MARCH 14 – APRIL 25, 2020
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 14, 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Pentimenti Gallery welcomes the spring season with a solo exhibition by EDGAR DIEHL.
Edgar Diehl explores the boundaries of visual abstraction by using aluminum to create geometrically composed paintings. The aluminum is bent or contorted with emphasis on pattern and a radiating color palette, carefully chosen for its optical qualities. The work creates an intimate experience with a visually intriguing puzzle. When the viewer engages in this puzzle, it can evoke a sudden wonder for color, light, space, and the unquestionable nature of visual possibility.
Edgar’s work can be described as wall sculptures, reliefs, objects, or paintings. As such, they are conversational and versatile, striving to break the boundaries of particular groups or movements throughout the history of painting. His work elicits optical sense-readings, and straddle the perceptual space where static objects become non-locatable.
“Since I started working as an artist, it has been my aim to raise and expand the awareness of the viewers of my works. In my opinion, this can only be done by using a visual vocabulary that cannot be found in the world that surrounds us every day.”
Edgar Diehl studied architecture at the TU in Berlin and painting, wall painting, and art theory at the Stadel Academy of Visual Arts, Frankfurt, Germany. He has exhibited extensively throughout Europe, the US and Australia, with notable shows at: Claudia Weil Gallery, Augsburg, Germany; Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel, Germany; Museum Modern Art Hünfeld, Hünfeld, Germany; Museum Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden, Germany; the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Summit, NJ; Conny Dietzschold Gallery in Sydney, Australia; and more. Edgar Diehl recently received the Otto Schaffner Prize and was twice nominated for the Andre Évard Art Award at the Kunsthalle Messmer, Riegel, Germany. His work is included in numerous corporate collections: Deutsche Borse & Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany; Institute fur Zukunftsforschung, Worpswede, Germany; Nestle-Gruppe Deutschland, Germany; Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; Toyota Research Institute, Cambridge, MA; and more. Edgar Diehl has been represented by Pentimenti Gallery since 2016.
For all inquiries, please contact Pentimenti Gallery at [email protected] or +1 215.625.9990.