Current Museum of Idaho Installation

Museum of Idaho

Jan. 3, 2025 - Dec. 31, 2027

200 N. Eastern Ave.
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402
Phone 208-522-1400

The Museum of Idaho presents several permanent exhibitions that excite local and cultural significance.

following quote taken from the Museum of Idaho website. “The Museum of Idaho is a free-standing, non-profit organization dedicated to bringing internationally- & nationally-acclaimed exhibits to southeast Idaho, preserving and showcasing natural and cultural history, and providing unique educational opportunities for everyone.

The local Idaho History Room is filled with fascinating artifacts, including The Andrew Henry Rock which is inscribed with the earliest known writing found in Idaho, a flag with blood stains that was carried in the Civil War by Joseph Lawyer, and the first light bulb to ever be powered by nuclear energy…

The most popular feature of the Idaho History Room is the schoolhouse, a replica of the first school house built in Eagle Rock during 1882 that is fully outfitted with desks, a pot-bellied stove, books and slates.  It is such a lively reproduction that it is easy to believe class is just about to begin.”

For more information about the current and new exhibitions visit the Museum of Idaho website link above.

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