Virginia Museum Current Installations

Virginia Museum of Contemporary

Jan. 13, 2025 - Dec. 31, 2027

2200 Parks Ave
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451
Phone 757.425.0000

…following quote taken from the Virginia Museum of Contemporary website. “Regularly changing exhibitions feature painting, sculpture, photography, glass, video and other visual media from internationally acclaimed artists as well as artists of national and regional renown. By balancing its four primary activities—gallery exhibitions, studio art classes, educational outreach programs and outdoor art shows—MOCA seeks to involve a diverse regional public in the rich and active language of contemporary visual art. By operating at a national standard, MOCA received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2010…

Regularly changing exhibitions feature painting, sculpture, photography, glass, video and other visual media from internationally acclaimed artists as well as artists of national and regional renown. By balancing its four primary activities—gallery exhibitions, studio art classes, educational outreach programs and outdoor art shows—MOCA seeks to involve a diverse regional public in the rich and active language of contemporary visual art. By operating at a national standard, MOCA received accreditation from the American Alliance of Museums in 2010.”

For more information on Current Exhibitions and Art please visit the Virginia Museum of Contemporary website above.


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