Color, Light, and Contrast

Metro Gallery at Reno City Hall

Jan. 9, 2024 - Feb. 17, 2023

1 E. First Street, 1st Floor
Reno, 89501
PHONE 775.334.6264

The Metro Gallery at Reno City Hall is proud to host the Latimer Art Club in their exhibition “Color, Light, and Contrast.”

The exhibition will run from January 9 to February 17, 2023 in Reno City Hall, Metro Gallery. The public is invited to attend the artists’ reception on Thursday, January 12, 2023 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

The Latimer Art Club has a long and rich history in Reno. The club was formed in 1921, by students of a California artist, Lorenzo P. Latimer. He began teaching in the Sierras, at or near Fallen Leaf Lake where he would spend some lovely summer months from 1916 forward. His students formed the club with his advice and instruction, and it carries on today, over 100 years later.

Today’s members must present samples of their work to be voted into membership, similar to what was required in the early years. Their work must be exhibit quality, to become an “active” member versus “associate” members who may be students or art aficionados. The artists work in various mediums – oils, acrylics, pastels, watercolor, and mixed media. The styles you will see are also varied. Although Mr. Latimer painted mostly landscapes in either watercolor or oils, today’s members produce award-winning works in abstract, impressionist, semi-realistic or highly realistic styles.

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