Play + Inspire
Jan. 22, 2025 - Mar. 19, 2021
The prompt for this juried exhibition was “How are you seeing change, coping with change, and being a change-maker?” Artists responded to this prompt and our juror, Chloe Alexander, used it as a starting point for selection of work. Below is her statement about the exhibition.
2020 was a tumultuous year, and while every new year brings about hope for change and progress, time remains relative. The world remains in the throes of a global pandemic, and many of us will continue to encounter unexpected challenges, setbacks, and general life-related happenstances as the new year progresses.
However, how do we, as artists, perceive and respond to change? The answer manifests itself in a variety of ways, be it through exploration of self, the environment, a more empathetic perception of others, or process- all of which often arise during moments of catharsis. This body of selected work explores the idea of change through the lens of individuals who work in a variety of media to realize not only what is, but what was, what is yet to come, and what is possible.
– Guest Curator, Chloe Alexander