All for You | Pat Phillips: Opener

Catinca Tabacaru Gallery

Jan. 11, 2025 - Feb. 10, 2019

250 Broome Street
New York, 10002
PHONE 212 260 2481

Preceding Pat Phillips’s first solo exhibition opening at Catinca Tabacaru New York on February 15, 2019, we’ve invited four artists who helped shape Phillips into the artist he is today to give us a glimpse into the roots of the Louisiana-based painter.

Casey Bolding, Devin Reynolds, Freed Vorder-Bruegge, and Carl Joe Williams tackle family, graffiti, pop culture, place and race in America. The dialogues and concepts they open help us to better understand the context within which most Americans live, and within which Phillips has been making work for the past decade.

Our initial intent has led to discovering four critical artistic practices that offer us a window not often opened in our New York community.

Please join us this Friday, January 11th, 6 – 9 PM to offer these four artists a proper New York City welcome!

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