A Mystery and a Dream

Gallery 136½ at PhotoSynthesis

Oct. 3, 2025 - Oct. 31, 2015

136½ Pine Street
Manchester, 06040


That dream was fraught
With a wild and waking thought
Of beings that have been
Which my spirit hath not seen.
A Mystery and a Dream.

Life presents us with things and situations that are difficult to explain. We don’t always understand or believe what our eyes show our conscious mind, and yet the imagery and stories our mind’s eye shows our subconscious often seem real. The lines are blurred. What is true and what is imagined? A mystery and a dream.

This is an exhibition of images that address the topics of mysteries and dreams, inspired perhaps by the writings of Edgar Allan Poe.

October 3—October 31, 2015

Join us for an opening reception on Saturday, October 3, from 5–7pm.

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