37th Annual Members’ Art Show
Carriage Barn Arts Center
Sep. 13, 2025 - Oct. 18, 2014
37th Annual Members’ Show
Saturday, September 13 – Sunday, October 18, 2014
The Carriage Barn Arts Center will celebrate the diverse work of its strong contingency of current artist members in its annual Members’ Show. All subjects, styles, and media are exhibited in this expansive group art exhibit, in which approximately 150 artists, mainly from Connecticut and New York, each display one representative work. This show will also highlight the outdoor sculptures of renowned sculptor Carole Eisner. The exhibition is generously sponsored by Bankwell of New Canaan and Whole Foods Market of Darien.
At the opening reception on Saturday, September 13th, the Carriage Barn Arts Center will also celebrate winning and receiving the Editor’s Pick of Moffly Media’s Best of the Gold Coast. It is a great honor for the Carriage Barn to be recognized as one of the leading arts venues in Fairfield County.
On Sunday, October 5th, Madera Winds will perform a free concert from 3-4 pm.
Opening Reception: Saturday, September 13th, 4-6 pm
Artists’ Talk: Saturday, September 27th, 4-6 pm
Children’s Art Workshops led by exhibiting member artist and teacher Nancy Scranton: Sunday, September 21st, 2-3:30 pm and Sunday, September, 28th, 2-3:30 pm. Ages 8-12. This children’s art education series is sponsored by GenRe, the Rotary Club of New Canaan, the Kiwanis Club of New Canaan, and the Newcomers Club of New Canaan.
Gallery Hours: Wed.-Sat., 10 am – 3 pm; Sunday, 1-5 pm.
The gallery is located in Waveny Park, 681 South Ave, New Canaan.
For more information, visit www.carriagebarn.org